Leg two of the Triple Crown is coming up on Saturday, and the ITM team is here to make sure you’re ready for the Preakness.
Make sure to tune in to our Preakness Final Answers Show TONIGHT on YouTube. It begins at 7:30 PM ET, hosted by yours truly, and will feature some of your favorite ITM regulars.
I was also joined by Naomi Tukker to go over the wonderful Friday card on Black-Eyed Susan Day for a special Players’ Podcast, and earlier in the week Tyler Frausto stopped by to discuss the 1/ST Preakness Challenge taking place on Saturday.
Finally, does the Triple Crown need to be changed? For some lively thoughts on the matter, make sure to check out our discussion with Steven Crist and Randy Moss.
Join us Thursday night at 7:30 ET for our Preakness Final Answers show.
PTF hosts with special appearances from JK, giving thoughts on the last six races at Pimlico on Saturday. ITM's own Naomi Tukker, on site at Pimlico all week, and popular guest Phillip Shelton of Medallion Racing, are also here with their insights.
Sponsored by our friends at Maryland Jockey Club.
Play the 1/ST Preakness Challenge this Saturday, May 21st! All fees will be paid out as prizes and entries will be accepted up until Race 7 on Pimlico’s Saturday card (2:08 ET). For more details, go to https://www.xpressbet.com/preakness-challenge-2022.
Preakness Content
Players’ Podcast Special: Black-Eyed Susan Day Stakes
It’s a special edition of the show with PTF and Naomi Tukker taking an early look at the Preakness and going over six stakes races on the Friday card at Pimlico on Black-Eyed Susan Day.
2022 Preakness Update and Sodashi to the Breeders’ Cup?
On today’s show, Peter Thomas Fornatale is joined by Naomi Tukker, live from Baltimore. She provides an update on the 2022 Preakness Stakes field and reports on some of the buzz around the backside.
In this Preakness Stakes Update, they look at the following horses that are reported starters in the 2022 Preakness: Secret Oath, Early Voting, Epicenter, Simplification and more.
Next up, Tyler Frausto of 1/ST Racing is here to talk all about the $1,500 Preakness Challenge, hosted at Santa Anita and by Xpressbet.
Finally, Klaus Ebner is here to discuss Japanese star, Sodashi’s Grade 1 victory over the weekend. Is it possible that Sodashi makes her way to the US to compete in the 2022 Breeders’ Cup at Keeneland?
Does the Triple Crown Need to be Changed?
It’s a special edition of the show debating the hot topic of the day: should the Triple Crown Series be extended or is it fine as it is? PTF brings in Jonathon Kinchen, Randy Moss, and Steven Crist to hear their thoughts on the matter. And then we encourage you to leave your thoughts on the topic in the comments on our YouTube channel.
Still to Come
ITM Plus - Preakness Day Stakes Picks Grid
Selections from your ITM regulars PTF, JK, Matt Bernier, Nick Tammaro, Naomi Tukker, Eric DeCoster, and Tyler Whisman.
No Black-eyed Susan picks grid?