Merry Christmas, everybody!
It was two years ago -- pretty much exactly -- that we started this network. We had no idea whatsoever was going to happen as it wasn't planned for (a long story for another time). Thanks to your support we have not only made it as a solo show but have been able to expand into a whole network of racing podcasts and gotten to work with all sorts of amazing people.
It's hard to find words when reflecting on 2020. Certainly, it's a year we'll never forget marked by a lot of nasty stuff. But amidst the awfulness, there were positives -- a refocusing of energies onto things that are maybe a little more important, for one.
It's been my pleasure to create a lot of racing content that people have seemed to enjoy. One Sky Sports viewer said I was "one of the voices that has helped him through the pandemic." I've never received a better compliment. If we have helped provide a distraction at any point, we'll take that as a win.
A few acknowledgments:
Thanks so much to Drew Coatney, Craig Gorbunoff, and Tyler Whisman for their behind-the-scenes contributions.
Thanks to Matt Bernier, Spencer Luginbuhl, Nick Luck, Naomi Tukker for being amazing broadcasters and partners.
Most of all, I want to thank all of you, the listeners and viewers, for making these shows so much fun to do.
Did I leave anyone out? ;)
Special thanks and waves of support to Jonathon Kinchen. What a pleasure it's been to watch him grow and develop as both an on-air talent and horseplayer. Can't wait to see what we can accomplish together next.
**For those of you that are into music, I put together a Holiday Musical Interlude. If not, don’t worry, there’s plenty of other racing content available.
Players’ Podcast - December 24th, 2020
PTF, JK and a special guest — Matt Scarlata of Holiday Episodes’ Past — are here to talk about this LOADED Santa Anita Opening Day card.
As 2020 comes to a close - thank goodness - we thought we'd curate some of our best evergreen content from the past year or so. Hopefully, this comes in handy if you've got some vacation time to wrap up the year. While we are certainly proud of all of our content produced throughout the year, the theme here involved helping you, the listener/reader, become a better horseplayer. Let us know if we missed any of your favorites!
*Keep an eye out for possible Tampa analysis from Drew - Check the Blog
JK + 1 - Episode 22 - Frank Mirahmadi
JK & Frank talk about the Santa Anita announcer competition, cancer, gambling, “to-go pars”, Trevor Denman, and of course….pizza.
Players’ Podcast - (RERUN) Craig Bernick on the Horseracing Integrity and Safety Act
In light of HISA being included in the recent legislation proposed and passed by Congress, we thought we’d bump this episode from September with Craig Bernick discussing the issues.
The Matt Bernier Show - Episode 46
The racing Year in Review with Matt Bernier
Redboard Rewind - Episode 69 - Craig Milkowski
Spencer and Craig review the action from the Springboard Mile card at Remington Park on Friday.
Horseracing Integrity and Safety Act Passes in Congress - TDN
Old Friends Farm a Decades-Long Journey for Michael Blowen - ABR

Be sure to subscribe to the ITM Network Podcasts and ‘may you win all your photos’
ITM+ ... is it something we can sign up for? Is that the plan, but we aren’t there yet? Please advise, thank you. HNY to all!